Chance to Rouhani president of Iran is indicative of the presence ...

Russia history began to take the initiative in the Middle ...

Chance to Rouhani president of Iran is indicative of the presence ... History began to take the initiative in Russia Middle East problem Russia Turkey Iran have agreed a Syria ceasefire Hello everyone. Today, recently, truly strange partnership is made between the three countries that Russia and Turkey and Iran, or I would like to talk about the problem should be called a quasi-alliance relationship. Over the day from 0 years of the month, in Kazakhstan's capital Astana, Syria peace international conference was held. Therefore, Russia and Turkey, to analyze the situation of the recent Syria, promised to cooperate with Iran. Given the Russian military aircraft shot down the incident by going on Turkish military aircraft to about a year ago (a few months), it is poles apart. Conference on Syria issue was held in Astana is intended to prevent and stop ceasefire violations of armed conflict (civil war), it has become a fact that the agreement was obtained between Russia Turkey Iran.

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