Chance to Rouhani president of Iran is indicative of the presence ...

Future outlook and the current state of the Middle East peace

Chance to Rouhani president of Iran is indicative of the presence ... Future outlook and the current state of the Middle East peace () Political support Japan, high-level talks, telephone conversation, through a variety of opportunities such as private letter, and settling the current conflict, so that peace negotiations to progress, along with performing the lobbying iterated the parties, including the US G, EU, United Nations, regional it has been carried out the countries concerned and the consultation of the various countries. (The following are recent examples) Issue of the Prime Minister letter 00 date, the Arab summit meeting (the same month - the day, held in Beirut) towards the Arab countries the Prime Minister letter expect to emit a constructive message for peace, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Jordan King Abdullah, was issued Lahoud President of Lebanon, President Assad of Syria, to the leaders and Arafat PLO chairman of the major countries, including Abdullah Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.

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