Chance to Rouhani president of Iran is indicative of the presence ...

00 // 0 [or the Middle East of the conflict you do not go away Why? ...

Chance to Rouhani president of Iran is indicative of the presence ... Or this week's theme [Middle East conflict you do not go away Why? ] In the A [Israel, what are you awake now? ] In a state in which the B [country that Israel has occupied the land of Palestine, the Palestinian people, but I had a resistance activities, there is a situation in which Israel has a military force is held down. Its resistance activities in new and out come was the organization called Hamas. Although this organization I have a Muslim religious philosophy, practical in is not quite the welfare activities, Toka distribute things to the education Toka poor people, has become a necessary organization in the community. So it's they would win if the election, the problem is I do not recognize the country of the founding of Israel. In addition to if there is an organization called Hezbollah of Hamas, it is not there also recognized. They are you thinking that I finally I want dropped Israel into the sea. But Israel'm nation that admits a lot of people in the nation, which was founded in the year, because it was founded that contains a lot of contradictions, not convinced Again now there is a lot of dissatisfaction.

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