Chance to Rouhani president of Iran is indicative of the presence ...

Now, from the perspective of [change] Wotsu of Syria civil war that ...

Chance to Rouhani president of Iran is indicative of the presence ... Now, decipher the point of view of [change] Wotsu of Syria civil war that is happening in the Middle East Years ago, 0 years of civil war in the Middle East Syria broke out now. It is the year that happened is the Great East Japan Earthquake. Although this place stalemate had been followed, this year in October, a railroad crossing in cross-border operations into northern Syria that Turkey forces to the control of the Kurdish armed organization, was suddenly began out movement. US Trump President immediately before, declared the US military withdrawal from Syria. This sudden declaration, is seen to have become in the go-ahead] of Turkey march. Composition over the Syria's complicated. As well as speculation of the US and Russia powers, Turkey, also the Middle East of the interests of regional powers such as Iran involved. There, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, across the Iran [does not have a country ethnic] come also involved the presence of the Kurds. Unraveling the intricate composition, the Middle East want to organize in the One point of view or from now on where to go.

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